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 Telix allows you to dial a group of dialing directory entries
 repeatedly until a connection is established, or you abort the
 attempt. Selecting the 'Dial' function from the dialing direc-
 tory menu will make Telix commence dialing in sequence all the
 currently marked entries.

 You may also dial a user-entered list of entries, by selecting
 the 'List' function from the dialing directory menu. Telix
 will ask you to enter up to 10 entries to dial in sequence (to
 make List dialing even more convenient, you may also select
 the 'List' function by pressing a numeric key while in the di-
 aling directory menu; this number is then carried over and en-
 tered as the first digit in the string you are asked to en-
 ter). While you are entering the list of entries to dial you
 may also scroll through the directory as described above. If
 you specify more than one entry to dial, each should be sep-
 arated by a space.

 Sometimes you may want to dial a number that is not in the di-
 aling directory. To do this select the 'Manual' option of the
 dialing directory menu, which stands for 'manual dial'. You
 will be asked to enter a number to be sent to the modem. What-
 ever you supply will be sent out exactly as is, except for
 Long Distance codes (see below), which are still valid.

See Also: the quick dial bar
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson